Friday, 9 December 2011

A Tale of Things to Come

Since my allied inquisition force (Sisters of Icarus and sons of Deadalus I'll spare you the narrative as it is still to painful to talk about them) was outlawed by most tourneys in the country (UK) and sisters subsequently got nerfed by white dwarf, I've had to begin again. I always find it a powerful tool just to sit down and write a list of what I need to do. So this is a look at things to come both here on this blog and on my own work table.

For the most part this will be a competitive blog which looks at alternative units and tactics in the 40k universe that don't get lots of airings. There is plenty of info out there about trueborn blaster squads I'm not gonna redo it. I will of course be doing articles on general ramblings like some conversion techniques – the first of which will probably be fire as above. I'm no master converter so these will be simple techniques I have found to have powerful effect. I want to up my painting game so things that I find useful will go up here for those who like me aspire to do better. As I have a benign tremor this is a real challenge for me. Finally musings on my gaming experience will also see airing here. All of this with less grainy pictures!

So to put some meat on the bones

Dark Eldar
I have two lists I'm working on
Haemonculi with liquifier gun and venom blade
Haemonculi with shattershard and venom blade

3 Grotesques with liquifier gun and Raider – aether sails, torment grenade launchers, shock prow
7 Mandrakes

5 wracks with liquifier gun and raider torment genade launches, grisley trophies, shock prow
3 wracks with raider torment grenade launchers, grisley trophies, shock prow
3 wracks with venom, grisley tropies, 2 splinter cannons

9 reavers with 3 heat lances and grav talons
4 beast masters 5 razorwings 3 Khymeras
4 beast masters 5 razorwings 3 Kyymeras

Talos with Chainflails and Haywire Blaster
Razorwing with dark lances, Splinter cannon and 4 monoscythe missiles

1727 pts - I have a few points to play around with for night shields etc.

This list is nearly built I need to turn some 3rd edition genesteelers into wracks and that's about it. Of course there are a few units and combinations that are generally regarded as unusual or sub par. So I'll happily air my thought laundry on here and go through what I see are the advantages of them. Then of course comes the pudding where the proof is there will be the battle reports to see if they actually perform as expected. I'll also post my painting and conversion progress.

Hers is my Baron list which is potentially more competitive than the one above.

Baron 105
Haemonculi with webway portal, liquifier gun and venom blade
Haemonculi with shattershard and venom blade

7 Mandrakes

5 wracks with liquifier gun and raider torment genade launches, grisley trophies, shock prow
3 wracks with venom, grisley tropies, 2 splinter cannons
3 wracks
10 hellions

9 reavers with 3 heat lances and grav talons
4 beast masters 5 razorwings 3 Khymeras
4 beast masters 5 razorwings 3 Kyymeras

Talos with Chainflails and Haywire Blaster
Chronos with spirit vortex, spirit probe
Razorwing with dark lances, Splinter cannon and 4 monoscythe missiles


A bit more damage output, more troops, more mobile but a bit more fragile and a +1 on the roll to go first. I may end up playing this list just so I can play these models.

Crimson fists
I don't really like playing space marines but Rynn's world really caught my imagination. It took me a long time to come up with a list in line with the fluff that still put out the damage and had a couple of tricks in its bag.


10 sternguard 2 meltaguns, 8 Combi-meltas, drop pods
5 tactical terminators, Cyclone missile launcher
Ironclad Dreadnough, heavy flamer, 2HK missiles, Ironclad assault launchers, drop pod

10 scout snipers with cammo cloaks
5 scouts with combat blades and combi-flamer

Landspeeder Storm with heavy flamer
Landspeeder with typhoon missile launcher and Heavy bolter
Landspeeder with typhoon missile launcher and Heavy bolter

Landraider crusader, multi-melta
Thunderfire cannon with drop pod


At the moment I am playing with a landraider godhammer and toying with 10 pts. I might stay with this yet. I like the way this army can play. It is very flexible in how it can deploy and consequently how it can play. Again some supposedly subpar choices here but I'll defend it in later posts. One thing I will give is I might have to turn the tactical terminators into assault terminators because I sorely lack the assault punch. I'd really like to keep it in line with Squad Victurix in the book. We'll see! I am a couple of models short and converting a Thunderfire.

And finally Necrons
I have nothing for these and I do wonder whether it is worth putting an army together before 6th edition hits I'm not sure simply because I have so much to collect. I love the book and what you can do with it so much that I think I will have to. I quite liked the list I did for Brent's old models maybe more than this one but here is the list I came up with before doing that.

Overlord Command Barge, Warscythe, Mindshackle Scarabs, Phaeron

Royal Court
Harbinger of : Destruction with solar pulse, Eternity with chronometron, transmorgification with Harp or Dissonance

15 warriors with ghost ark
5 warriors with night scythe
5 warriors

5 wraiths with 2 whip coils
4 scarabs
4 scarabs

Doomsday Ark
3 Cryptek Spyders

I have a lot of thoughts on these but for a little while at least it will be theory hammering. So there we go. These lists, the conversions, tactics on the more unsual choices and finally battle reports along with some ramblings are what the next few months will hold. And that folks (if anyone is actually reading this) is my commitment.

What would you like to see first?

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